Karenkm - nonwork stuff

Thursday, August 30, 2007

some quotes

We were in Babados for a week, on day Number 4 Nathan was having a little bit of constipation, we didn't want to go anywhere until he had his #2. We were a bit anxious and his response was "You get what you get".

[While observing a woman getting ice from a machine in a hotel] Thats not a monster. Just some guy.

[While looking at a picture of an underwear model in a magazine] That lady does not look like Mommy. But don't tell her I said that. Okay?

David has a donut on his head (david is quite bald)

"This lady doesn't have a home to go to so she has to sleep here" - just a woman suntanning at the beach and no, she didn't hear our conversation.

A cute moment -- Nathan was talking to daddy in the car about the lions and tigers in Mommy's office. when asked whether he concerned about the tigers eating Sobina, he said that they were good tigers that ate only dog food.

"Daddy, I can't love you forever because I have to go to the daycare"(Robert Munch's Love you forever)

When asked why Nathan didn't want to go to the daycare, he said "because I am so F***ing busy"

Nathan was being stubborn, Daddy said "you are exactly like your mother", his response was "Yes, I am short"

Nathan did he first Number 2 in the potty. Reaction: "what is that? " Mommy said Nathan just poo-pooed in the potty. Nathan claimed "No, it is SHIT"

Nathan told Mommy "yesterday Miriam said her best friend is now Jennifer"

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